THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCHHer Doctrine and MoralsSecond Sunday after The Epiphany19 January 2025 |
The SundaySermon
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Dear Friends in Christ,
Today's Gospel reading (Saint John 2:1-11) is of the Wedding Feast of Cana, a powerful testament to the love of God. Here, Jesus performed His first miracle by changing water into wine at the request of His mother, Mary. It is on this occasion that His disciples came to believe in Him, a belief rooted in the profound love and power of God.
Jesus refused to turn stones into bread when He was hungry, but when He was neither hungry nor thirsty, He turned water into wine. The power of God is the same, but He chose to exercise His power in one situation but not in the other. The difference is that He changed water into wine at His Mother's request and refused to change stone into bread at the devil's suggestion.
Saint Augustine says, "When therefore He was hungry the tempter, as you know, said to Him: 'If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread' (Saint Matthew 4:3) And He answered the tempter. For so the Leader fights, that He may give an example to the soldiers. What did He answer? 'Not in bread alone doth man live, but in every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.' And He did not make bread from stones, as He well could Who made wine from water. For by the same power could He make bread from stone, but He did not, that He might spurn the solicitation of the tempter. For the tempter is not overcome unless he be despised. And when the tempter, the devil, was defeated, the angels came and ministered to Him (Saint Matthew 4). He, therefore Who, could do so much; why has He done this but not that? Read, recall rather, what you have just heard, when He wrought this sign, that is, made water into wine: what did the Evangelist also say? 'And His Disciples believed in Him.' Was the devil then ready to believe?"
In the Garden of Eden, Eve was tempted by the tempter to eat the forbidden fruit. Having succumbed to the temptation, she, in turn, became the temptress to Adam, who likewise succumbed. Yet, Mary has corrected this sin by not seeking something for herself but seeking the aid of others, saying, "They have no wine." And she seeks this not in disobedience or defiance of God's command but in supplication or petition from God Himself, a powerful example of hope and inspiration for us all.
The fruit of the tree was forbidden, not because it was bad, but because it was good. Not because God wished to deprive us of good things there were many good things to eat in the Garden. The tempter does not tempt us with bad things, but rather with good things. He would have us abuse the good things that God has given us. He is also a destroyer, and he seeks to unite us in destroying the good things God has created.
God desires that we moderate our use of the good things He has given us, denying ourselves for a time of their goodness. This self-denial is not a punishment, but a challenge to us to partake of God's good gifts with humble, grateful, loving hearts. He wants us to deny ourselves daily and take up our crosses to follow Him, a call to action that should motivate and inspire us.
In the holy state of matrimony, we find a very good and precious gift from God. God has forbidden the matrimonial pleasures to all who have not received His blessings into the matrimonial state. He calls upon those in that state to deny themselves these pleasures from time to time so that they can better follow Jesus in self-denial and in carrying their crosses.
The demonic tempter unrelentingly whispers in our ears as he did to Eve in the Garden. He shows us "that the tree was good to eat, and fair to the eyes, and delightful to behold…" (Genesis 3:6). He tempts those who have no right to partake of matrimonial pleasure because they are not married. He tempts those who are married to seek matrimonial pleasure outside of their own marriage.
Jesus blessed marriage and turned water into wine for the pleasure and benefit of those in the marriage state but forbids those same pleasures in certain conditions which are outside of the marriage. This self-control or proper use of the pleasures that God offers us leads to true happiness or joy. The devils tempt us to seek happiness in temporary pleasure. However, pleasure is not the same as happiness. Many pleasures do not produce happiness but rather cause the opposite. The pleasure of eating the forbidden fruit gave way to great sadness and suffering. Matrimonial pleasures defying God's command produce great sadness and suffering rather than the happiness that the tempter promised.
As we honor and celebrate Sacramental Marriage, may we seek to despise every suggestion of the demons who only desire to destroy and dishonor the marriage state that God has created and get us to share in their eternal lot of sadness, suffering, and misery.
May the Immaculate Heart of Mary inspire, guide, and protect us!
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